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Hitting a baby aspirin flying in mid air with an arrow is an accomplishment in itself.  When you consider that Frank Addington, Jr. does it from behind his back,  that is mind boggling.  He didn't just do it one time, he uses this signature shot at every archery exhibition he does across the country.   An amazing feat that Addington spent a lifetime developing.  Here's Frank's story...

The year was 1971.  Frank Addington, Jr. was four when his parents gave him his first bow.  Addington learned to shoot instinctively, without any sights or aiming devices. He won many state championships and set some shooting records but soon became bored with competitive shooting.  

By 1978, he would spend hours in his family's backyard shooting his bow.  Often times he pretended to be the great Fred Bear on some big game bowhunting adventure.  Little did Addington know that fate would allow him to meet and later become friends with the legendary Bear.  Addington's family started a retail archery business in the 1970's and this allowed Addington access to the trade shows and other events where he could meet and become friends with folks like Fred Bear, Earl and Ann Hoyt, Tom Jennings and other members of the sport of archery.

Addington was featured in a photo in Chuck Adam's book, "Life at Fulldraw" and in a photo with Fred Bear in Dick Lattimer's book, "Hunt with Fred Bear."

Two other archery greats had a big impact on young Addington.  One was exhibition shooter Ann Clark.  She asked Addington to be her assistant on stage at a local sports show.  The late Rev. Stacy Groscup was another world famous exhibition shooter that would play a dominant role in Addington's life.   Groscup often had Addington toss targets for him and in 1986 Rev. Groscup tossed a Pepsi can into mid and challenged Frank to hit it.  He did and that same day Groscup put Addington in front of an audience shooting aerial targets.  That day he became the protégé' of Rev. Groscup.

The rest, as they say, is history.  Now almost 30 plus years later Addington regularly performs his "bow & arrow razzle dazzle" from coast to coast.   He has performed at Tavern on the Green in Central Park in New York City, the Cow Palace in San Francisco, and at sports shows, RV shows, Fishing tackle and boat shows, Symphony events, EXPOS, art shows, fairs, festivals, corporate events, churches and at private functions including a private show for country singer Toby Keith in March 2006.  He's been a featured guest doing his bow and arrow razzle dazzle at the famous King Ranch in South Texas, doing private shows for the ranch owners.    Addington has also performed at the Outdoor Writers Association of America national convention.  Having performed at a variety of venues for a variety of audiences, Addington enjoys the fact that his "bow and arrow razzle dazzle" always seems to draw a crowd and entertain those that attend the show. He has also given bows to George Strait, Toby Keith, Coach Mack Brown, Gen Leroy Sisco, and Earl Campbell plus others.

Addington's show encourages the next generation to take some time away from computers, video games, TV, and other distractions long enough to spend some time outdoors with their family.  He encourages the audiences to take time to fish, camp, hike, hunt, shoot archery or do a number of activities outdoors as a family unit.   Addington knows too many of today's young people know the drive to the mall rather to a favorite hunting or fishing spot. Addington also says that his 20/8 vision is a gift from God and that he uses the talent God gave him in his shows. Matthew 17:20 is one of Frank's favorite Bible verses. Seeing is believing--see you at the show!

CNN's Jeanne Moos dubbed Addington, "..the William Tell of popping pills..."  He is regularly featured in the media, and enjoys talking archery with the press.  He has also written for magazines like National Bowhunter, African Archer and Adventurer, and his Straight Shot column has long been featured on  One media headline read, "Accuracy defined". His accuracy with a bow is second to none, no one in the history of the sport has done what Addington does with a recurve bow.

Rock and Roll legend and friend Ted Nugent says this about Addington,  

"The mystical flight of the arrow has been a guiding force of physical and spiritual harmony in my life and the lives of millions of families across America forever. My American BloodBrother Frank Addington Jr. celebrates this moving archery ballet at its finest. It is a razzle dazzle bow and arrow demonstration of the highest order that the whole family will enjoy. Frank is the master. "

Recently, famed bowhunter Chuck Adams had this to say while introducing Addington at a show: 

 " I hope you guys enjoy this because you're looking at the best trick shot in North America in my opinion.  And he does it shooting behind his back with his bow not the normal way.  Which makes it about a hundred times harder than what anybody else on this continent does in trick shooting exhibitions.  Please join me in welcoming Frank Addington...."





Addington and his wife Amanda are both graduates of Marshall University.  They reside in South Texas with their two sons. Frank's company is called Rocking A Productions, LLC. All appearances are booked through this company.


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